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...a story about threat and fear

the yellow hats

[...] When I was little, we often talked about the adventures, the dangers, the struggles and the superhuman effort that was made by my mother’s family to be saved from the brutality of war. How they escaped, where they were hidden, who were those simple, righteous men, who had the courage to resist, endangering their lives in order to save their fellow men.

Kelly Covo Nov. 2017


An article on The Yellow Hats written by Georgia Karantona and Tasoula Tsilimeni, published in Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature, Volume 58, Number 4, 2020

[...]The Yellow Hats, achieve something extremely important. They provides us tools for talking to young children about the Holocaust without making any direct reference to harsh historical events, through a tenderly illustrated allegory with animals which can create a safe emotional distance between what happened and young readers.

Pelio Papadia, Talc Mag, 26/1/2018

[…]In the Yellow Hats the author has managed to transform the living memory of the trauma from a family history with limited recipients, into a genuinly universal, timeless experience that speaks not only of persecution, injustice, war, but also of humanity, greatness of soul and the need for resistance...

Angela Yannicopoulou  Professor of Children’s Literature, NUA

Literary Press O Anagnostis, 26/1/2018

[...]The Yellow Hats is undoubtedly welcome to the literary universe, for both its content and its form. In this allegory about the “terrible things” that will always exist, the writer is motivated, beyond her artistic zeal, by the need for remembrance and gratitude.

The illustrations are particularly praiseworthy, as would be expected of someone who has received numerous awards for her work.

Stavroula Tsouprou, The Sunday Avgi, 6/1/2018

...A carefully written allegory, sensitive and discreet, with great respect for all sides. Even for the bad guys in history. And this is something to be stressed and praised.

The author narrates sotto voce but with great internal intensity. She wonders... She does not give answers but expects the readers to ponder and provide answers themselves. She does not discriminate, she remembers. She doesn’t judge, she hopes. She invites us to stand before the memory with open eyes, an open heart and a clear mind. To be to our emotions and to those of our fellow men. She suggests alertness without violence, but with good judgment and wisdom...

Evi Tsitiridou-Christoforidou Kosvoice 6/2/2018

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